Galerie Konrad Fischer is our Various Others guest this year and we are very much looking forward to “everyday things” with Düsseldorf artist Hans-Peter Feldmann. Feldmann’s work focuses not on the extraordinary but revolves mainly around the everyday. As he himself says: “Only five minutes of the day are interesting, I want to show the rest, the normal life.” Thus, he photographs different types of bread, transforms a ruler into a folding ruler house, or arranges everyday objects such as pencils, cubes, reading glasses, scissors, and paint pots into aesthetic studies. His slight artistic distortion of things, carried out with a fine subversive humor, reveals the often absurd character of our everyday world. Hans-Peter Feldmann collects and finds, especially photographs, from flea markets or self-made. He has revealed his huge fund of accumulated everyday moments in numerous booklets and artist books. Feldmann also collects and sifts through art history. He creates a stamp museum out of stamps with art historical motifs; he has the citizens portrayed in 18th and 19th century paintings painted with crossed eyes or red noses and turns their aspired respectability into the grotesque with a wink. Hans-Peter Feldmann consistently places his artistic authorship in the background and refuses to conform to artistic market practices with his works. He offers his artworks mostly as unlimited editions, he does not sign his works and his bibliographical information is reduced to a minimum: Hans-Peter Feldmann, born 1941 in Hilden, lives and works in Düsseldorf.
This exhibition is supported by:
NEUSTART KULTUR and Stiftung Kunstfonds
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