Thu Van Tran
Geboren in Ho Chi Minh City | Born in Ho Chi Minh
Lebt und arbeitet in Paris | Lives and works in Paris
Studien | Studies
MFA, Master of Fine Art, verliehen mit Auszeichnungen der ENSB-A, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris | MFA, Master of Fine Art, delivered with distinctions by ENSB-A, École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Seminar über Ausstellungspraxis – ENSB-A (FR) – Leitung: Christian Bernard | Exhibition Practice Seminar - ENSB-A (FR) - Directed by Christian Bernard
Coubertin Foundry, Saint-Rémy Les-Chevreuses, Frankreich – Compagnons du Devoir | Coubertin Foundry, Saint-Rémy Les-Chevreuses, France – Compagnons du Devoir
Glasgow School of Art (Bachelor), Environmental Design Department | Glasgow School of Art (Bachelor), Environmental Design Department
Einzelausstellunge (Auswahl) | Solo Exhibitions (Selection)
La Loge, Brussels
In spring, ghosts return, Almine Rech, New York
We see gold and purple, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
We live in the flicker, MAMAC – Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain de Nice, Nice
Meessen De Clercq, Brussels
Almine Rech Gallery, Paris
H as Homme, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Novel Without a Title, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel
Colors of Grey, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Le CREDAC, Ivry-sur-Seine
Art Basel Unlimited
Alimine Rech Gallery, Paris
VCCA - Vincom Center for Contemporary Art – Hanoi (VN), (cur. Mizuki Endo)
La Grande Place Musée Du Cristal – Fondation Hermès – Saint Louis, (cur. Marie Cozette, Synagogue de Delme)
Galerie Saint Séverin – Paris, “Maidday”
Meessen De Clercq – Brussels, “Mountains are like the bones of the earth. Water is its blood.”
Joseph Tang Gallery – Paris, “The Blind Excuse” w/ Marieta Chirulescu
Frieze – Randall’s Island – New York
Ladera Oeste, Guadalajara (MEX), “Listen, the darkness deepens”
Macleay Museum, Sydney, “From stamping to reading”
n.b.k. (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein), Berlin, “Exchange of presents”
Les Abattoirs – Médiathèque, Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, “Writing and other flickers”
Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, “We are this, and that, aren’t we?”
Espace Art et Essai – Rennes 2 University, “Cao Su pleure”
MÉPIC – Musée éclaté de la presqu’île de Caen, “Rejections”
Statements – Art Basel, Basel, w/ Meessen De Clercq
Centre d’Art Villa du Parc, Anemasse, “The 18th Place”
Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, “We live in the Flicker”
Martine Aboucaya Gallery, Paris, “The Humain Stain”
La Maison Rouge – Le Patio, Paris, “The Pure Number according on Duras”
Bétonsalon – Centre d’Art et de Recherche, Paris, “Book People”
L’Espace – Centre Culturel Français, Hanoi
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Mulhouse, “Backlight”
Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl) | Group exhibitions (Selection)
Tongues of Fire, Kunsthalle Trondheim, Norway
Ceramic Brussels, Almine Rech, Brussels
58th Carnegie International, The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, USA
Avant l'Orage, Bourse de Commerce, Pinault Collection, Paris
A Century in Color, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn Réclamer la Terre, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Deux scénarios pour Une collection, FRAC Normandie, Rouen
Global(e) Resistance, MNAM Centre Pompidou, Paris
Busan Biennale, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan (MOCA), Busan
Les échos du territoire, FRAC Aquitaine, Bordeaux
Presence in the Absence, Galerie Alexander Levy, Berlin
The Unwritten Library / After Babel, Visual Arts Centre in Megaron, Athens,
Marcel Duchamp Prize, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
The Schwartz Foundation, Art Space Pythahorion, Samos
Cosmogonies, MAMAC, Nice
Un désir d'Archéologie, Carré d'Art, Nîmes
Entre Deux Infinis, Galerie Anne-Sarah Bénéchou, Paris
Manipulate The World, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Montag or The Possible Libraries, Frac Franche-Comté
Remember Lidice, Lidice Museum, Lidice
Viva Arte Viva, 57th Venice Biennale, The Arsenale, Venice
Jardin Infini. De Giverny à l’Amazonie, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz
La Timidité des Cimes, Le Parvis, Tarbes
The Meurice Prize Exhibition, The Meurice Hotel, Paris
A Brief History of The Future, Palazzo Reale, Milan
ANTHROPOCENE, Meessen De Clercq, Brussels
Soudain...La Neige, Maba - Fondation Rothschild, Nogent-Sur-Marne
Dévider le Réel, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse
Remember Lidice, Block Edition, Berlin
A Brief History of The Future, Royal Museums of Fine Arts, Brussels
Translation as A Negotiation, The kunsthalle, Mulhouse
Matérialisme Histérique, Galerie Jerome Poggi, Paris
Le Corps Invisible, Gerlie Edouard Manet, Gennevilliers
Sans titre (Je suis là), Galerie Jerome Poggi, Paris
Interprète, Le Plateau, FRAC Île-de-France
Par Les Temps Qui Courent LiFE, Saint-Nazaire
Vehbi Koc Fondation, Istanbul
Nuit Blanche, Paris
The Unanswered Question, Tanas Fondation / n.b.k. – Berlin
L’Homme de Vitruve, Le Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine
Twentieth to twentieth, End of Century, New York
Particles, Meessen De Clercq, Brussels
Soudain Déjà, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris
Au grenier quatre pièces de mémoire, Musée Départemental d’Art Contemporain – Rochechouart
Liste, Basel, Switzerland
All Over, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris
Le Carillon de Big Ben, Le CREDAC, Ivry-sur-Seine
Meeting You Halfway, Galerie Martine Aboucaya, Paris
Phase Zéro, Galerie Serge Aboukrat, Paris
Là Ou Je Suis N’existe Pas, Lieu Commun, Le Printemprs de Septembre, Toulouse
Memory of Void, Kimusa, Artsonje Center, Seoul
Expériences Insulaires, Le CREDAC, Ivry-sur-Seine
Voir en Peinture, La Générale, Paris
Tolerate Me, Galerie DAP, Warszawa
Galerie Hengevoss-Durkop, Hamburg
Félicité, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris
Première Vue, Galerie du Passage Retz, Paris
Singles, Galerie Pitch, Paris
Kuratorische und künstlerische Leitung | Curating and artistic direction
MNAM, France / United Kingdom
Fondation Kadist, France
MAC VAL, France
Centre Georges Pompidou – Bpi – Paris, “Duras Song” an exhibition on Marguerite Duras archives activated in an installation by Thu Van Tran, and co-curated with Jean-Max Colard
La Générale – Paris, “Hradacany”, co-curated with Yann Chateigné
Collections (a selection) Collection (a selection)
Preise und Stipendien | Awards and Scholarships
Rosa Schapire Art Prize, Freunde der Hamburger Kunsthalle, Germany
Production allowance, Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphique et Plastique, France
Short listed for The Meurice Prize for Contemporary Art, The Meurice Hotel, France
Production allowance, Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphique et Plastique, France
Installation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France
Finalist Audi Talents Awards, France
Individual creation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France
Support of the Amis de la Maison Rouge - Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, France
Exhibition allowance, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris, France
Individual creation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France, France
Installation allowance, Drac Ile-de-France
Laureate Mulhouse 05 Prize, France, Henry-Claude Cousseau selection
Project allowance, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris, France
Sammlungen | Collections
Agnès Rein Collection, France / United Kingdom
Foundation Kadist, Paris, France
Frac Normandie, Rouen, France
Frac Rhône-Alpes – IAC Villeurbanne, France
Frac-Île de France, France
Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
Frac Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France
Josée and Marc Gensollen Collection, Marseille, France
Louis Vuitton Foundation, France
Lidice Memorial, Lidice, Czech Republic
Musée National d'Art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Musée Départemental d’Art Contemporain, Rochechouart, France
Musée d'Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Pierluigi and Natalina Remotti Fondation, Camogli, Italy
The Strauss Collection, San Diego, USA
Sanders Collection, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Thibault Poutrel Collection, Paris / London, France / United Kingdom
Vehbi Koc Fondation, Istanbul, Turkey
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA