Kikuo Saito
Geboren in Tokyo, lebte und arbeitete in New York | Born in Tokyo, Japan, lived and worked in New York
Frühere Jahre | Early Years
Proktor und Studiotechniker bei Sensei Itoh, Tokyo | Proctor and studio technician at Sensei Itoh, Tokyo
Ab 1966 | From 1966
Zusammenarbeit mit Ellen Stewart bei LaMaMa Experimental Theater Club, New York | Collaboration with Ellen Stewart at LaMaMa Experimental Theater Club, New York
Set-Designer bei Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italien | Set-Designer at Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto
Zusammenarbeit mit Regisseuren und Choreograph:innen Robert Wilson, Peter Brook, Jerome Robbins and Eva Maier | Collaboration with directors and choreographers Robert Wilson, Peter Brook, Jerome Robbins and Eva Maier
Assistenz bei Künstler:innen Helen Frankenthaler, Kenneth Noland und Larry Poons, New York | Assistance for the artists Helen Frankenthaler, Kenneth Noland und Larry Poons, New York
Residenzkünstler, Duke University | Artist in Residence, Duke University
Ausgewählte Einzelausstellungen | Selected Solo Exhibitions
Kikuo Saito: Ouray, Altman Siegel Gallery, San Francisco
Kikuo Saito, Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich
Kikuo Saito: Paint with Drawing, James Barron Art, Kent
Kikuo Saito: Dancing Across the Surface, James Barron Art, Kent
Kikuo Saito, Art Dealers Association of America, James Fuentes Gallery, New York
Kikuo Saito, James Fuentes Gallery, New York
Kikuo Saito: To Paint with Drawing, Loretta Howard, New York
Kikuo Saito, Jonathan Novak Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Kikuo Saito, Vision's Gallery at Asagaya Art College, Tokyo
Gallery Thiele, Linz
Duke University Museum of Art, Durham
Galerie BMB, Amsterdam
Francis Graham-Dixon Gallery, London
Eva Cohen Gallery, Chicago
Waddington & Shiell Galleries, Toronto
Galerie Don Stewart, Montreal
Hett Gallery, Edmonton
Medicine Hat Museum, Alberta
Galerie Ulysses, Vienna
William Edward O'Reilly, Inc., New York
Deitcher/ O'Reilly Galleries, New York
Ausgewählte Gruppenausstellungen | Selected Group Exhibitions
Chroma: Choreography of Space and Color, Upsilon Gallery, New York
Intersect Aspen, James Barron Art, Kent
Visions Of Color, Leslie Feely, New York
Art Basel, James Fuentes Gallery, Miami
In Vivid Color, Leslie Feely, New York
Lines, Leslie Feely, New York
Lyrical Abstraction: Small Scale Lori Bookstein Projects, New York
Calder to Rauschenberg, McNay Art Museum, San Antonio
Expanding Boundaries: Lyrical Abstraction, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton
Cajetan Glil Gallery, Salzburg
Gallerie D'Arte, Benucci, Rome
FIAC, Paris Art Fair Paris
Inaugural Exhibition, Salander-O'Reilly Galleries Berlin
Satani Gallery, Tokyo
Saito and Roth, Nicola Jacobs Gallery London
Basel Art Fair, Basel
ROSC International Exhibition, Dublin
The Next Generation: A Curator's Choice, Andre Emmerich, New York
Group Show, United States Mission to the United Nations, New York
Group Guest Show, Andre Emmerich, New York
Young American Painters, Reese Pally Gallery, New York
Sammlungen | Collections
The Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta, Canada
The Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, USA
AT&T, New York, USA
Blain & Co., Boston, USA
Baxter Corp., Greenfield, USA
Buchanan Ingersoll, Pittsburgh, USA
Carnegie Center, Princeton, USA
Chevron Oil, Dublin, USA
Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, USA
The Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Canada
Estée Lauder, New York, USA
Frost Brother, San Antonio, USA
H&R Block, Kansas City, USA
H.J. Heinz, Pittsburgh, USA
Henly Group, New York, USA
Hines International, Boston, USA
Houston Industries, Houston, USA
Impact Rug Inc., Montreal, Canada
International Business Machines, New York, USA
International Minerals and Chemicals Corp., Chicago, USA
J.P. Morgan Chase Collection, New York, USA
The Lincoln Savings Bank, New York, USA
Midland Finance Company, Chicago, USA
Mitsui & Co., New York, USA
Mony Financial Services, Teanack, USA
Museum Of Fine Art, Houston, USA
McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, USA
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
The Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Northrop, Los Angeles, USA
Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Netherlands
Pepsico, New York, USA
Pfizer Inc., New York, USA
Portland Art Museum, Portland, USA
Queens University, Kingston, Canada
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, USA
Siemens, Germany
Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Netherlands
TRW Corp., New York, USA
The Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA
Ulster Museum, Belfast, Ireland
Unicorn American, New York, USA
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Canada
U.S. Equities, Chicago, USA
World Bank, Washington, USA